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My name is Michelle and I'm a non-couples therapist. Yep, you read that right: I specifically don't work with couples. Instead, I work with women who desperately want their relationship to get better but their partner won't do couples therapy with them. 

The ones who have tried everything they can think of and nothing is working. 
The ones who know they need help if their relationship is going to get better but worry that if their partner won’t do therapy with them, then they’re doomed.

I am here to help you understand your wants and needs in your relationship and determine how to get those needs met. I want you to see clearly what is working, what’s not working, and decide what is ultimately going to be in your best interest with whether to stay or leave your relationship. 

So, how does this work? Keep reading for real stories of women I've helped, with names and personal details changed to protect confidentiality, of course ;)

Ashley left her emotionally abusive relationship with her two children and found a new guy who she now owns a home with.  

Veronica worked through issues with her partner when he was experiencing mental health issues. Though she considered ending the relationship at various points, she realized that she could be happy by focusing on herself and her career which in turn made her relationship with her partner so much healthier.

After just 3 sessions of working together, Monica met and started going on dates with a new guy who she is now happily in a relationship with. I helped her shift her focus with what she was paying attention to on dates to find the love she was wanting all along. 

Rebecca found the courage to end her relationship with her partner after she realized he wasn’t ready to change his drinking habits. She moved out and is re-starting her life feeling so much lighter and happier than before when she was weighed down by his issues.

Jessica navigated her partner and mother-in-law moving in with her. Her relationship started to go through a rough patch as a result of this transition, but we worked together to help her talk about it with her partner and feel satisfied in her relationship again.

I helped Dakota understand her unhealthy patterns with men that had been present for years before we started working together. She started being more intentional about the men she was choosing to have a sexual relationship with and feels more comfortable setting boundaries.

Heidi established a healthier relationship after 10+ years with a partner who wasn’t a good fit. She now lives with her current partner and feels ready for marriage.

I helped Madeline understand communication patterns with her partner. She is now better able to take care of herself when her partner becomes angry and be less triggered by his reactions. She says that changing how she responds has positively shifted their dynamic so that he gets less angry in the first place and she’s feeling ready to grow their family.

Sarah worked through differing values with her husband. We talked about what’s important to her and why and how to create genuine compromise in her marriage so that both she and her husband are getting their needs met. She says they now fight way less than they used to.

Ready to add your name to the list? Let's get started! 
Send me an email at michellehenderson@nextchapter-counseling.com with the subject line "New Client Inquiry". 




